Colombia-Planadas 250g
12,00 €
Planadas municipality is located in the Tolima department. Its
weather conditions make it an ideal area to grow high-quality
coffee. 95% of coffees are grown in low temperatures which
produces a higher sugar concentration during the ripening
process, resulting in a sweeter and more complex cup profile.
Most of the population are ex-combatants from armed groups.
What is remarkable is that after the peace agreement was
signed, they started to work with coffee with some associations.
Both ASOPEP and ASCISP are a great example of such
associations. ASOPEP works with 167 farmers and ASCISP is
formed by 66 coffee families.
We are honored to work with these associations since they have
different projects that focus on the improvement of the coffee
community and biodiversity.
Region: Planadas
Altitude: 2150
Variety: Caturra, Castillo
Cup Profile: complex and sweet milky chocolate, caramel
Score: 85